ITP Recycling is a sister concern of Infotech Pioneers WLL established in 2021 with own manufacturing of reverse vending machine and portable incinerator. With own manufacturing we have introduced two brands "ReCan" and "Hygenie". The company is already on its way to become a pioneer in launching Reverse Vending Machines and Portable Incinerators. We provide end to end solutions with respect to the supply, installation, operation and maintenance of the machines. We have installed the machines with various corporates, PSUs, government agencies, municipals etc.umers, businesses and the environment.
A Cost-Effective Recycling Solution
For low to medium volume of containers
Perfect Recycling & Advertisement Solution
A start-to-finish Recycling Solution
Reverse vending machines are the centerpiece of modern deposit systems that for years have demonstrated return rates from 70% to almost 100% of sold beverage containers.
No other waste or collection system comes even close to matching these figures. Automated reverse vending machines for container deposit systems prove their business case with a very low cost per collected container.
Reverse Vending Benefits
Collection through reverse vending solutions offers:
Better for Business
Better for the Environment
Convenient and Engaging for Users
Offers a proven solution that keeps litter off the streets and reduces the need for other expensive waste programs.
Creates labor savings in stores by automating manual tasks.
Yields space and logistics savings as the material is compacted, reducing storage requirements in stores and on board trucks.
Maximizes material value and maintains material properties, as the containers are sorted by material type.
Keeps the material fractions so clean they can even be recycled into new containers, thus closing the material loop and avoiding downgrading.
Decreases transportation needs as the material is sorted and compacted on site, optimizing transportation capacity and avoiding transport movements.
Makes recycling easy, as the RVS typically is stationed inside or in the entrance of grocery retail stores.
Makes recycling convenient as it is fast and clean, and this motivates repeated use in combination with the instant reward.
Engages users even further when the owner capitalizes on possibilities to use the RVS as a tool for sales promotions, branding and CSR programs.
We are one of the most renowned IT Consulting firms in Qatar providing world class services and IT software solutions to cross businesses and corporates.
Our ReCan brand represents our products collection of reverse vending solutions. It has been launched to create reverse vending solutions that maximize the positive impact for your customers, your business, and the planet.
The Hygenie brand is exclusively for waste disposal solutions that are easy to implement and provide safe and planet friendly methods of disposing hazardous and non-recyclable waste.
Call Us: +974 4488 1252
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